
Our main visualization takes the form of a circular graph in which the projects are placed in circular orbits created from concentric circles. The projects are presented as colored dots, with the color referring to the type of the project (Tags). To determine the position of each project, we have assigned each element of the framework a (sort of) binary value. For each project, if an element is present its value would be set to true otherwise it would be set to false. At the end of the analysis we can see, out of all the framework elements how many were true for a project and how many were false.

This “grading” does not refer to an evaluation of a project, it simply reveals how many elements from the framework apply to a project. The higher the number, the nearer it is to the core of the graph, which means the more Media Architecture elements it entails. The core of the circle represents the optimum result of having six elements. In the end of the analysis we have a “ranking” of all the projects, which again refers to the number of elements that exist in one project.

On the left side, we can find the elements of our framework in the form of filters. Clicking on each filter you can change the parameters you want to see. For instance, by clicking on the Space filter, and selecting Augmented Space, one can see all the projects that fulfill this requirement. At the moment, combining filters is not available but it will be added in the future, along with the option to choose projects based on their tags.

Each colored dot on the graph represents a specific project that has been analyzed.By hovering the cursor over each dot, you immediately see the name of the project. By clicking on it, you have access to a pop up window that refers to the specific project’s analysis. In this window, you can see the framework implementation in the form of a star visualization, general information and the position of the project in the circular graph.

The Star Chart takes the form of a hexagon, whose six edges represent the six elements of the framework: Architectural Space, Technology, Human Presence, Sensing, Space-Display Correspondence and Dynamicity. The value of the elements can be either 1 if an element exists in the project, or 0 if not. In the case of Technology, which can be divided into Digital and Analog, the value can also be 0.5, in case only one type of Technology is present. The elements that are present connect with each other to create a shape that represents the project’s “performance” regarding the framework. The fuller the shape, the more elements one project has. For example, when the shape takes the form of the hexagon, it means all the elements are present.